Sunday, February 10, 2013

What Are You Letting Go of This Lent?

Homily from the 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year C

Lent is just days away.  Many of us will give something up for those forty days, a noble practice.  At the same time, we may want to use this Lent as an opportunity to let go of something for good that stands in the way of our relationship with Jesus.

Here is the audio from my homily this past Sunday.  I want to thank Frankie Strzelecki and Bob Nicola for making these audio clips possible.

Fr. Andrew's Homily Podcast - Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013

1 comment:

  1. Be watching for the ability to subscribe and download audio mp3's of Fr. Andrew's Homilies via iTunes Podcasts and RSS Feeds - Coming soon!!
